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  • ljkerry1796

Winning a Battle & More.

This week has been crazy and extremely stressful. While finalising LISTED for ARC's (Advanced Reader Copy) going out tomorrow, I was in a big battle with GooglePlay.

This rant is more for new authors like myself who may not be in this situation. So skip past it if you don't want to read this.

Anyway I have been waiting 2 weeks to get my author account live on GooglePlay and start distributing LISTED on there. Well in that time I had to upload three different versions, to fix a formatting issue and some spelling errors. After 2 weeks, I came back to my account deactivated on the grounds of copyright infringement. Which is a completely false allegation. So after constant emails and messages to Live Support and being met with complete silence. I had to wait for what seemed like forever to finally show Google I owned the rights to my book and finally after so much stress and uncertainty it is live for pre-order on there. Via: Google

For new authors like myself. If Live Support tells you to make a new GooglePlay account, do not do this. Just wait, even though you'll have absolutely no support in the matter. Just wait until they bother to respond and it'll get sorted soon.


On a lighter note. I have decided to extend my ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) readership, there wasn't a big turn out on Google Forms, so I will be resuming the second round of ARC readers on Sept 30th 2020 on a new platform so stay tuned for that.

Currently I am reading House of Earth & Blood (Crescent City) by Sarah J. Maas so far this is an absolutely amazing read. It's made me laugh, made me cry and got me angry. With all this going on with Google and marketing my book I haven't been able to fully knuckle down and tear through the book like I want to. But I should be finished with it soon.

I hope everybody has a great day!

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