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Burn Out, vacations & Updates


Hello everybody!

Throughout August I have been on vacation! I jetted off to the beautiful country of Greece for a much needed break. Despite having next to no WiFi for my entire trip, it let me recharge my batteries and allow me to continue working on book 3 of the Fallasingha Chronicles.

Before jetting off to Greece, I was experiencing burn out. Since 2019, I have written almost 500K words collectively for my entire books. Even though I went on another vacation to Spain in March, it was raining for the entire trip. During that time in Spain, I wrote for the majority of that vacation and edited The Moon Denies Rulers because there was nothing else to do.

Throughout my latest vacation, I read The Oleander Sword by Tasha Suri, the second book in The Burning Kingdom's series. This book was one of my most anticipated releases of the year, and it's safe to say I was slightly disappointed.

It was a good read, full of character growth and action. However, it wasn't as good as The Jasmine Throne. Unlike the Jasmine Throne, it was a very slow read and some of the POV's included didn't add anything to the plot.

After The Oleander Sword, I began reading Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. I have never known a book so different from its movie adaptation, and I do love the book way more as it includes so much more depth that the movie left out; however it is slightly repetitive. Regardless, it's a great read but I won't continue onto Ready Player Two.


The Fallasingha Chronicles Updates

I'm still deep in the edits of The Moon Denies Rulers. Due to the sheer size of this book, it's taking a little longer than The Stars Plot Revenge which I already anticipated would be the case.

While the edits are being done, I'm trying to figure out the release date which I think I know already and when to call for ARC readers. There may have to be two dates if somebody hasn't read The Stars Plot Revenge.

I am so grateful for the readers who have already signed up for ARC's of The Moon Denies Rulers way before I called them out. These people are already added to a hopefully growing list. More details about ARCs of book 2 will be coming soon.

I am also working on book 3. After my vacation, I've had a renewed vision for where I want the story to go, and it is working in my favour. I am only on draft 1 for now, and already things are hitting the fan. Book 3 has changed its title so many times that I'm glad I'm not revealing anything until I send it to the editor. This book is probably the most difficult I've written in the series because so many things are at stake, but I'm working through it slowly and I can't wait to share more.

Other Projects

Alongside The Fallasingha Chronicles, I'm working on a secret project. I probably shouldn't when I'm already working on two manuscripts at the same time, but it helps break up working solely on the Fallasingha Chronicles as it does get a lot when the projects there are so huge.

Then there is also something else in the works, but I'm still deciding if I want to implement this. Stay tuned!

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