I am on Chapter Thirty Eight of my debut novel Listed. Which is crazy to think that this time last year Listed was just an idea that never got written down on paper, we are nearly at the end with 63K words and counting. With that I started getting quotes for editors of my manuscript, never thought I would come this far in the process.
Thinking of getting a new front cover for the book before it gets to putting it out for sale. I'd love to see how creative people can get with my books cover.
Also I recently started A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. Heard good things aboht the author so why not. I don't know why I am im the mood to read books out of my comfort zone lately but I am really enjoying it so far - I never usually read High Fantasy but I want to know more.
Check out my progress here:
Should I set a new goal for my reading challenge? Who knows!