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  • ljkerry1796

Major Updates + Thoughts

Today is time for another blog! LISTED is finally finished (yay), and this week there has been a major development and that is distribution outside of Amazon! Now you can find LISTED on these selected retailers:

This is a really exciting thing, so now people have options on where to shop for LISTED. Which brings me onto my next point, people messaging me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook asking where the physical copy is. So this is what is happening with the physical copy is, due to my distributors working on a "Print-On-Demand" service, that means it is not eligible for pre-order in this format. So as a courtesy to my ARC team who are getting an advanced e-book copy of LISTED, the paperback will not be available until closer to the release date (November 1st 2020). I can't wait to hold the physical copy as much as the people asking for it, but I will keep everybody updated once I figure out what is happening.

Also at the time of this blog post there is only 7 days remaining to sign up for an advanced e-book copy of LISTED, if you want to sign up please do so here.

Reading News:

So I have just finished book 4 of The Mortal Instruments Series — City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare. It was good but very slow. I loved all the character development in this book, but it was a confusing ending. If you want to see my full review, read it here.

Now I am figuring out what to read next. Currently I am reading my own book because I love it, hahaha that sounds so egotistical but it's true. But after LISTED, I don't know what to read. I'm moving home soon so most of my books are packed away. I'm thinking either Throne of Glass or House of Earth and Blood both by Sarah J. Maas but I just don't know, there's a couple others in my TBR so I'll figure out which.

Other than that I hope everybody has had a great day, and stay tuned for next week with some more fun developments!

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