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  • ljkerry1796

Long Time No Blog

How long has it been? Three weeks. Blowing the dust off of this poor website I hope everybody had an amazing Holiday season and a great New Year. I've been without WiFi for the past three weeks after moving house, so couldn't write a blog that is why I have been neglecting this thing, but I'm back!

So far I have been very busy writing REBOUND, if you didn't see the cover reveal then check out this blog right here:

I feel this perfectly sums up the darkness that comes with REBOUND, where the characters go on a journey of rebuilding themselves from the events of LISTED while navigating a world where history is repeating itself. Such a beautiful cover and I'm so excited to share it with everybody, aiming for it to be out later in the year!

A recap on my year of books. I read 44 books in total throughout 2020 and during the past three weeks, I have been binge reading them. In December, I read six books!

December 2020 was a great month of reading. After reading the Throne of Glass series for what feels like forever, I needed to switch it up from fantasy and focus on Dystopia. Especially now REBOUND is well underway. The Gamble and The Choice both by Kathryn Jacques were incredible reads to kick off this Dystopian binge, and then I read the latest Maze Runner instalment Crank Palace then ended things with Juche: Demon of Yodok. It was kind of ironic because I started my year of reading with Dystopia and ended it with the same genre. Check out my reviews on Goodreads!

Other than that, I am very busy with REBOUND and getting settled into my new home. I hope you have a great day!

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