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Boy, it has been a while since I made a blog! I have been slacking, and a lot has changed. Well where do I begin!

So LISTED had its launch. This was the most fun and exciting day ever, I had my first ever successful live event and we had some giveaways for the ebook. It was fun to connect to the Advanced Reader team, and others who want to read it in the future. It was fun to go on live and not only discuss LISTED but also discuss the sequel and any possible books I may write but have no plans to yet. During launch I ate cake and drank wine to celebrate, it was a fun day.

What else. Well, LISTED's launch started on the first day of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writers Month) and I wasn't going to do it this year, however, my friend talked me into doing it to kick me up the butt with LISTED's sequel. Which I am way ahead of schedule with, I should slow down but the ideas just keep coming, which is a good thing. UK having a second lockdown helps because I have far too much time on my hands.

Other than that I have been very busy with authors offering me free interviews to promote my book. So you should see those popping up on Goodreads, and Youtube very soon which is so exciting!

Current Reads:

I am reading two books at the same time because I am in a reading slump, and indecisive with it. Heir of Fire I have been trying to through since October, it isn't working out but I'm pushing through, and City of Brass is just a beautiful book so far. I am excited to get through these so I can get to some other books in my TBR.

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Congratulations on coming out of a hiatus 😊



Congrats on the blog launch. I just resurfaced after a 10 year hiatus and not a whole lot has changed. Cheers!

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