For the first time ever The Stars Plot Revenge is free!
This is in honour of the Indie TBR Takeover event which happens twice a year (June & November). Myself and over 70 over authors are giving our books away for free in exchange for honest reviews on Goodreads and social media etc. until June 3rd to help them gain more traction and visibility.
Indie TBR helps support authors and give them more visibility. Plus it helps readers discover something new that they might not have picked up before. Plus both authors and readers can make a lot of friends.
This is my third time doing the Indie TBR Takeover and it's always been an incredible experience. I can't wait to see what people think of The Stars Plot Revenge!

Book 2 of the Fallasingha Chronicles has officially had a title reveal!
May was an extremely busy month with The Stars Plot Revenge's launch, seeing its success and getting everything sorted. I was also busy finalising the self-edits of The Moon Denies Rulers so it's ready for a professional editor. Now that it is in the hands of an editor, I'm busy working on book 3 and can't wait to expand on this world and story.
Books I've been loving lately:
The Plated Prisoner series!

Recently this series had absolutely gripped me and I can't wait to see where this series goes in Glow.
When I'm reading these books, I just get sucked away into the world and forget the world around me. I love when books do this!
Highly recommend!